Every Sunday, you can also join us online via YouTube at about 10:45am.

We worship together on Sunday mornings at Pat Porter Active Living Centre! The doors open at 10 and our service starts at 10:20.

Join us as we worship God, explore Scripture, pray, share communion, and fellowship together. Our music has an acoustic feel, our vibe is warm, casual, honest, simple, and deep. Everyone is welcome.

We practice an open table, meaning all are welcome to participate in communion.

The coffee is ready at 10! We have a coffee station set up at the back of the room with disposable cups, but feel free to bring your own drinkware to fill or re-fill. Come as you are and don’t worry if you’re running late – you won’t be the only one. The building is fully accessible should you need ramps or wide doorways. We set up with rows of chairs and have some tables set up at the back for families with young children.

If you’d like to partner with us and worship through giving, there is a container on the coffee table where you can leave your gift or you may donate online through Canada Helps or by e-transfer. Please make cheques out to the ECCC and put Stonehouse in the memo.

Stonehouse Kids

Kids are an integral part of who we are and what we do as a church! At Stonehouse, kids (ages 3 to grade 6) worship with the adults and go to Sunday school during the message. We call them back to join us for communion. We also provide some kid-friendly activities on the welcome table, aim to be inclusive in the service, and have an easily-accessible toddler toy area just off the main auditorium (parental supervision required). A little extra noise is pretty inevitable with kids in the room – we get this and welcome it.

Stonehouse Youth

All students (gr. 6-12) are welcome to join us on the first, third and last Wednesdays of the month for games, activities, snacks, Bible study, and prayer – and they can gladly bring friends! Pastor Shannon and Clayton Nelson lead this group – and we always have a great time! This year our discipleship focus is all about building relationships – with God and one another.

High School only (gr. 9-12): High schoolers are welcome to come hang out at Pastor Shannon’s on the second Wednesday of the month. We play games, eat snacks, and have some intentional conversation about what it means to be followers of Jesus here and now.

Check the calendar for all the Stonehouse Youth date/time/location info you’ll need!

More to Come

Stonehouse is 6 years old and living into our call to be a Covenant church in Steinbach one step at a time. That said, when you come, you’ll get us as we are, at this stage of dreaming about what is possible, discerning what’s next, and taking steps toward it. We have access to a couple great spaces for Sunday worship and weekday gatherings, we worship, learn, and serve together nearly every week, and we regularly provide opportunities to build community. We’d welcome your company and the gifts you’ve been created to give as we partner with God to continue building what he has started here!