Give toward the ministry of Stonehouse. We depend on the generosity of people like you.

Partnering with us financially means equipping us to create opportunities for people to hear good news and experience the goodness of authentic community. Partnering with us through serving means helping us host the people who walk through our doors every week.

Donation Options:

  1. Send an E-transfer to and in the memo, designate to Stonehouse Church Plant (Steinbach).
  2. Donate online via credit card. Click here for our CanadaHelps page. *Under Fund, select Church Plant Stonehouse (Steinbach, MB). Automatic monthly donations can be set up through CanadaHelps.
  3. Give cash or write a cheque. Please make cheques out to the ECCC (Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada). On the memo line, designate to Stonehouse Church Plant (Steinbach). You can put your donation in the Giving container on the Welcome table at church (envelopes provided) or mail directly to the ECCC: PO Box 2247 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K2.

All donations are tax deductible.

Serving Options:

Here are some great ways to get involved at Stonehouse right now: help with set up and take down on Sunday mornings, be part of our welcome team, lead worship, bake bread, run tech (sound/media), teach kids, hang out with teens, play with toddlers, help us plan/facilitate community events and conversations, connect with people, or lead a small group.

What do you like doing? What are you passionate about? If it’s not on this list, we’d still like to hear about it! Contact us to start the conversation.